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List of commands for highlight:

  • highlight:tldr:1b6e7 highlight: Produce an HTML fragment, suitable for inclusion in a larger document.
    $ highlight --out-format=${html} --fragment --syntax ${language} ${source_file}
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  • highlight:tldr:291b6 highlight: List all supported languages, themes, or plugins.
    $ highlight --list-scripts ${select}
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  • highlight:tldr:48e57 highlight: Produce a complete HTML document from a source code file.
    $ highlight --out-format=${html} --style ${theme_name} --syntax ${language} ${path-to-source_code}
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  • highlight:tldr:760f9 highlight: Print a CSS stylesheet for a theme.
    $ highlight --out-format=${html} --print-style --style ${theme_name} --syntax ${language}] --stdout
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  • highlight:tldr:a538e highlight: Inline the CSS styling in every tag.
    $ highlight --out-format=${html} --inline-css --syntax ${language} ${source_file}
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