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history: Delete the history entry at the specified offset.
$ history -d ${offset}
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The command "history -d ${offset}" is used to delete a specific entry from the command history in a Unix-like operating system (such as Linux). Here's how it is explained:

  • "history" is a command that displays a list of previously executed commands in the shell session.
  • "-d" is an option/flag that specifies the deletion operation.
  • "${offset}" is a placeholder for a numerical value that represents the index of the command to be deleted from the history.

When you execute this command with a specific value for "${offset}", it will remove the command at that index from the history. The history will be renumbered accordingly, so the previous commands' numbering might change.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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