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hn: View stories on Hacker News sorted by submission date.
$ hn --latest
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The command "hn --latest" likely refers to a program or script called "hn" with an option or argument called "latest."

Based on the context, "hn" could stand for "Hacker News," a popular online platform where users can submit and discuss news articles and other topics related to technology and startups. "Hn" could be a command-line interface (CLI) tool or a script built to interact with this platform.

The "--latest" flag suggests that the command is requesting the latest or most recent content from Hacker News. It might fetch the most recently published articles, discussions, or other updates on the platform.

Without additional information about the specific implementation of "hn" and its available options, it is difficult to provide a precise explanation for the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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