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holehe: Show status for only sites where the specified email address is in use.
$ holehe ${username@example-org} --only-used
try on your machine

This command seems to be using the tool or program called "holehe" with a specific argument, "${username@example-org}", and the option "--only-used".

The program "holehe" might be a custom or specific tool as it is not a commonly recognized command or program.

The argument "${username@example-org}" likely represents a variable or placeholder. It suggests that you need to provide a specific username or identifier related to "example-org". You should replace "${username@example-org}" with the actual username to be used in the command.

The option "--only-used" is an additional flag or parameter that modifies the behavior of the "holehe" tool. Without knowing the specific functionality of the tool, it is not possible to explain the exact purpose or outcome of this option. You would need to consult the documentation or source code of "holehe" to understand the effect of "--only-used" in this context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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