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homectl: Change the disk space assigned to a specific home directory to 100 GiB.
$ sudo homectl resize ${username} ${100G}
try on your machine

This command can be broken down into parts as follows:

  1. sudo: It is a command that allows you to execute other commands with administrative privileges as a superuser or root user (depending on the operating system).

  2. homectl resize: It is the subcommand that is being executed with elevated privileges through sudo. It is likely a command related to managing and resizing user home directories.

  3. ${username}: It is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual username of the user account whose home directory needs resizing. Make sure to replace ${username} with the desired username without the dollar sign or curly brackets.

  4. ${100G}: This is another placeholder that should be replaced with the desired size for the user's home directory. It is specifying the size as 100G, which stands for 100 Gigabytes. Modify ${100G} with the desired size for the user's home directory without the dollar sign or curly brackets.

In summary, the command is using sudo to execute the homectl resize command, which likely resizes the home directory of the specified user (${username}) to the specified size (${100G}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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