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hostapd: Start an access point.
$ sudo hostapd ${path-to-hostapd-conf}
try on your machine

This command is using the "sudo" command in Linux to run the "hostapd" daemon with a specified configuration file.


  • "sudo": It stands for "SuperUser Do" and allows you to run a command with administrative privileges or as the root user.
  • "hostapd": It is a daemon (background service) in Linux that allows a computer to become a wireless access point (AP).
  • "${path-to-hostapd-conf}": It represents the path to the configuration file for the hostapd daemon. The actual path should be provided here.

By running this command, the hostapd daemon will be executed with the specified configuration file, which may contain settings like network name (SSID), security options (WPA/WPA2, encryption key), channel, etc. This allows the system to act as a wireless AP, enabling other devices to connect and communicate through it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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