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hping3: Ping an IP address over UDP on port 80.
$ hping3 --udp --destport ${80} --syn ${ip_or_hostname}
try on your machine

The command "hping3" is a network tool used for various purposes like testing, scanning, and manipulating network packets. In this case, it is used to send a specific type of packet.

The command "hping3 --udp --destport ${80} --syn ${ip_or_hostname}" can be broken down as follows:

  • "hping3": Invokes the hping3 tool.
  • "--udp": Specifies that the packet to be sent will use the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) transport layer protocol.
  • "--destport ${80}": Specifies the destination port number the packet will be sent to. In this case, it is set to port 80.
  • "--syn": Sets the SYN (synchronize) flag in the packet. The SYN flag is used to establish a TCP connection (although in this case, it is used with UDP, which does not have a concept of connections).
  • "${ip_or_hostname}": Represents the IP address or hostname of the destination system to which the packet will be sent. It should be replaced with the actual IP address or hostname.

Overall, this command is instructing hping3 to send a UDP packet with the SYN flag set to a specified destination port and IP address or hostname.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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