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hping3: Traceroute using a TCP scan to a specific destination port.
$ hping3 --traceroute --verbose --syn --destport ${80} ${ip_or_hostname}
try on your machine

This command uses the hping3 tool to perform a traceroute with verbose output to a specified IP address or hostname. Here is a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • hping3: It is a command-line packet crafting and network testing tool.
  • --traceroute: This option tells hping3 to perform a traceroute instead of the default TCP ping.
  • --verbose: It enables verbose output, which provides detailed information about each hop in the traceroute.
  • --syn: It specifies the use of SYN packets during the traceroute.
  • --destport ${80}: This option sets the destination port to 80, which is typically used for HTTP traffic. Replace ${80} with the desired port number.
  • ${ip_or_hostname}: This is the IP address or hostname of the target destination for the traceroute. Replace it with the actual IP address or hostname you want to trace.

By running this command, hping3 will initiate a traceroute using SYN packets to the specified IP address or hostname, with verbose output displaying information about each hop along the route. The destination port is set to 80, but you can change it as needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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