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hsd-cli: Execute an RPC command.
$ hsd-cli rpc ${command} ${args}
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This is a command template that can be used to interact with the HSD daemon using a command-line interface (CLI).

Here's how the command works:

  • hsd-cli: This is the executable that launches the HSD command-line interface.
  • rpc: This indicates that you want to make an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) to interact with the HSD daemon.
  • ${command}: This is a placeholder that should be replaced with the specific RPC command you want to execute. For example, it could be getinfo, getblock, or getbalance.
  • ${args}: This is another placeholder that should be replaced with any arguments or parameters required for the chosen RPC command. For instance, if you want to use the getblock command, you would need to specify the block hash or height as an argument here.

To use this command, you need to replace ${command} and ${args} with the actual values according to your requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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