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hsw-cli: View the current wallet's transaction history.
$ hsw-cli history
try on your machine

The command "hsw-cli history" is utilized to retrieve the transaction history from the command line interface (CLI) of a software program or platform called "hsw-cli".

In this context, "hsw-cli" is likely an abbreviation for a specific software or tool, and "history" is a command or parameter that can be executed within the hsw-cli application. It is responsible for providing a complete record or log of past transactions that have occurred within the HSW system or application.

By executing "hsw-cli history", you can view the transaction history, which may include details such as dates, times, involved parties, transaction types, and relevant information associated with each transaction that has taken place within the HSW platform.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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