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hugo: Build a site including pages that are marked as a "draft".
$ hugo --buildDrafts
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The command "hugo --buildDrafts" is used to generate a website using the Hugo static site generator.


  • "hugo" is the command to execute the Hugo static site generator.
  • "--buildDrafts" is a flag or option provided to the command.

Hugo is typically used to build static websites from plain text files using a templating system. It takes your website's source files and generates a static HTML/CSS/JavaScript website.

The "--buildDrafts" flag tells Hugo to include draft content while generating the website. Draft content refers to content that is not yet ready for publishing or is still in progress. By default, Hugo excludes draft content from the generated site, but using this flag makes it include the draft content as well.

Therefore, when you execute the command "hugo --buildDrafts", Hugo will generate your website with all the drafts, allowing you to preview and work on the content that is still in the drafting stage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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