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husky: Install Husky in the current directory.
$ husky install
try on your machine

The command "husky install" is used in a Node.js project to set up the Git hooks provided by the Husky library.

Husky is a tool that helps to automate tasks or execute specific actions at various stages of the Git workflow. It allows you to define hooks, which are scripts that run in response to specific Git events, such as before committing code, before pushing code, etc.

When you run "husky install", it installs the necessary hooks in the .git/hooks directory of your Git repository. These hooks will then execute the configured scripts whenever the corresponding Git events occur.

By using Husky hooks, you can enforce code quality checks, run automated tests, prevent the commit of unformatted code, trigger linting or code analysis tools, and so on. It helps to ensure that certain actions are completed before allowing Git operations to proceed, improving code consistency and reliability.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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