Husky is a tool used in the development of software projects, specifically those managed using Git. It is a package that allows for the automatic execution of certain scripts or commands at specific Git hooks.
Git hooks are scripts that get triggered in response to specific actions occurring within a Git repository. These actions can include events like committing code, pushing changes to a remote repository, or merging branches. Husky simplifies the setup and configuration of Git hooks, removing the need for manual scripting.
The "husky" command is used to manage and configure Husky within a project. By running "husky init", you can set up Husky in your repository, creating the necessary hooks directory and a configuration file. This command usually needs to be run once during the project setup process.
Once Husky is initialized, you can then configure specific scripts or commands to be executed at various Git hooks. For example, you can define a pre-commit hook that runs linters or code formatters to ensure code quality before every commit. The configuration is usually done by modifying the "husky" section within your project's package.json file.
By utilizing Husky, developers can automate repetitive tasks, enforce code quality standards, and enhance the development workflow in a Git-based project.