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hydra: Guess HTTPS webform credentials using two specific lists of usernames and passwords ("https_post_request" can be like "username=^USER^&password=^PASS^").
$ hydra -L ${path-to-usernames-txt} -P ${path-to-wordlist-txt} ${host_ip} ${https-post-form} "${url_without_host}:${https_post_request}:${login_failed_string}"
try on your machine

The given command uses the tool "hydra" to perform a brute-force attack on a web application's login page.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • hydra is the command used to invoke the hydra tool for performing password attacks.
  • -L flag specifies the path to a text file containing a list of usernames. ${path-to-usernames-txt} should be replaced with the actual file path.
  • -P flag specifies the path to a text file containing a list of passwords (wordlist). ${path-to-wordlist-txt} should be replaced with the actual file path.
  • ${host_ip} represents the IP address of the target machine or the web server.
  • ${https-post-form} specifies the type of form being submitted on the login page for HTTPS POST requests. The details of the form need to be provided.
  • "${url_without_host}:${https_post_request}:${login_failed_string}" combines multiple parameters:
    • ${url_without_host} represents the login page URL without the hostname.
    • ${https_post_request} indicates the specific POST request being made when attempting a login.
    • ${login_failed_string} is a string that indicates a failed login attempt.

Note: The command provided is a template, and the placeholders (variables wrapped in ${ }) need to be replaced with the actual values specific to the target application being tested. Additionally, brute-forcing or attempting unauthorized access to systems is generally illegal and unethical unless you have appropriate authorization and consent to perform such actions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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