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hydra: Guess MySQL credentials using a username and a passwords list, exiting when a username/password pair is found.
$ hydra -l ${username} -P ${path-to-wordlist-txt} -f ${host_ip} ${mysql}
try on your machine

This command is using the tool hydra to perform a brute-force attack on a MySQL database server. Let's break down the command:

  • hydra: This is the command to execute the hydra tool.
  • -l ${username}: The -l flag specifies the username to use for the brute-force attack. ${username} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual username.
  • -P ${path-to-wordlist-txt}: The -P flag specifies the path to a wordlist file containing potential passwords to try. ${path-to-wordlist-txt} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the wordlist file.
  • -f ${host_ip}: The -f flag indicates that the attack should be performed in a single-threaded mode. ${host_ip} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual IP address (or hostname) of the target MySQL server.
  • ${mysql}: This is a placeholder that does not have a specific meaning in this command. It might be a mistake or a variable that should be replaced with something else.

To use this command, make sure you have the hydra tool installed on your system, provide the correct username and password wordlist, and replace placeholders with appropriate values. However, remember that brute-forcing is generally considered unethical and could be illegal if performed without permission.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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