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hyperfine: Run a basic benchmark, performing at least 10 runs.
$ hyperfine '${make}'
try on your machine

The command hyperfine '${make}' is using the hyperfine tool to measure the execution time of a command specified by the variable make.

  • hyperfine is a command-line benchmarking tool used to measure the execution time of other commands. It runs the specified command multiple times and provides statistics like minimum, maximum, and average execution times.

  • The ${make} is parameterized using the ${...} syntax, which suggests that it is a variable. The value of this variable is inserted into the command before it is executed. In this case, the make variable likely contains a command to build or compile something using the make tool.

Overall, the command is using hyperfine to measure the execution time of a command specified in the make variable, helping to analyze the performance and efficiency of that command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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