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hyperfine: Run a comparative benchmark.
$ hyperfine '${make target1}' '${make target2}'
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The command hyperfine '${make target1}' '${make target2}' is using the hyperfine command-line tool to measure the execution time of two make targets, target1 and target2, respectively.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • hyperfine: hyperfine is a benchmarking tool for command-line programs. It measures the real execution time, statistics like median and standard deviation, and also allows multiple runs to gather more accurate results.

  • '${make target1}': This is the first target to be benchmarked. ${make target1} is a placeholder indicating that the actual command for target1 should be substituted here when executing the command.

  • '${make target2}': Similar to the previous target, this is the second target to be benchmarked, and ${make target2} represents its associated command.

By running this command, hyperfine will execute the specified make targets and measure their execution time, providing statistical information about the runs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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