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i3-scrot: Capture a screenshot of a specific selection and copy it to the clipboard.
$ i3-scrot --select-to-clibpoard
try on your machine

The command "i3-scrot --select-to-clipboard" is used to take a screenshot (scrot) of a selected area on the screen using the i3 window manager.

Here's what each component of the command means:

  • "i3-scrot": This is the name of the command or program that is being executed. In this case, it is a specific screenshot utility built for the i3 window manager.

  • "--select-to-clipboard": This is an option or flag that modifies the behavior of the "i3-scrot" command. It instructs the command to capture or select a specific area on the screen rather than capturing the entire screen. Additionally, the captured screenshot will be stored in the clipboard instead of being saved as a file.

So, when you run this command, it will activate the screenshot functionality of i3-scrot, allowing you to select an area on the screen. Once you have made the selection, the screenshot will be copied to the clipboard, which enables you to paste it directly into an application or document that supports image pasting (like an image editing tool or a messaging app).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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