The i3-scrot
command is used to take a screenshot of the current workspace or a specific area of the screen when using the i3 window manager. Upon executing the command, it captures an image of the screen based on the specified options, such as capturing the entire workspace, a selected window, or a defined region. This command is specifically designed for i3 window manager users and relies on the scrot
utility, which is a screenshot capturing tool available on Unix-like operating systems. Here are a few examples of how i3-scrot
can be used: 1. Capture the whole workspace:
``` 2. Capture the currently focused window:
i3-scrot -u
i3-scrot -s
`` These are just a few examples to illustrate the usage of
i3-scrot. More details about the options and usage of this command can be found in the i3 user documentation or by running
man i3-scrot` in the terminal.