The command "Super + Return" refers to the combination of pressing the "Super" key (also known as the "Windows" key on most keyboards) and the "Return" or "Enter" key simultaneously. This command is typically used as a keyboard shortcut in various operating systems or software applications, such as Linux or desktop environments like GNOME or KDE.
The exact function of "Super + Return" may vary depending on the context and configured settings. However, it commonly triggers a specific action or launches a specific feature, such as opening a terminal window, launching the browser, opening the application launcher, or executing a particular command.
For example, in a GNOME desktop environment on Linux, pressing "Super + Return" often opens the application launcher, allowing you to quickly search and launch applications by typing their names. In other cases, it may simply open a new terminal window or perform any other action assigned to that key combination.
It's worth noting that the key combination can be customized, and its functionality may vary depending on the operating system and the user's chosen configuration.