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i3exit: Switch to the login screen to log in as a different user.
$ i3exit switch_user
try on your machine

The command "i3exit switch_user" is used in the i3 window manager to switch users on a Linux system.

When this command is executed, it triggers the "switch_user" function within the i3exit script. This function performs the necessary steps to initiate a user switch, including logging out the current user and prompting for another user to log in.

The "i3exit" script is a collection of functions related to system power management, user switching, and session management. It is typically located in the "/usr/bin" or "/usr/local/bin" directory, depending on the installation.

In summary, executing "i3exit switch_user" triggers a process to switch the logged-in user on a Linux system when using the i3 window manager.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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