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i3exit: Suspend the system.
$ i3exit suspend
try on your machine

The command "i3exit suspend" is used to put the computer into the suspend mode using the i3 window manager.

The i3 window manager is a tiling window manager for X11, which provides a more efficient and productive way to arrange and navigate between open applications and windows.

The "suspend" option in the i3exit command is used to suspend the computer, which is a power-saving mode where the system state is saved to the memory (RAM). In this mode, the computer consumes very little power, and it can quickly resume its previous state when it is awakened.

By executing the "i3exit suspend" command, the i3 window manager initiates the system's suspend process, causing the computer to enter into the suspend mode.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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