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iex: Start and load Mix project files.
$ iex -S mix
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The command "iex -S mix" is used to start the Interactive Elixir (iex) session with the code and dependencies of a Mix project loaded.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "iex" stands for Interactive Elixir, which is an interactive shell for running Elixir code.

  • The "-S" option tells iex to load and run the given script or module. In this case, it means that the following argument should be treated as a Mix project and its dependencies.

  • "mix" refers to Mix, which is a build tool for Elixir projects. It provides a set of tasks for compiling, testing, and managing dependencies of Elixir applications.

Combining these elements, "iex -S mix" starts an iex session and loads the code and dependencies of a Mix project, allowing you to interactively run and test your Elixir code within the project context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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