The command "iex -S mix" is used to start the Interactive Elixir (iex) session with the code and dependencies of a Mix project loaded.
Here is a breakdown of the command:
"iex" stands for Interactive Elixir, which is an interactive shell for running Elixir code.
The "-S" option tells iex to load and run the given script or module. In this case, it means that the following argument should be treated as a Mix project and its dependencies.
"mix" refers to Mix, which is a build tool for Elixir projects. It provides a set of tasks for compiling, testing, and managing dependencies of Elixir applications.
Combining these elements, "iex -S mix" starts an iex session and loads the code and dependencies of a Mix project, allowing you to interactively run and test your Elixir code within the project context.