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iex: Start a session that remembers history.
$ iex --erl "-kernel shell_history enabled"
try on your machine

The command "iex --erl '-kernel shell_history enabled'" is used for starting an interactive Elixir shell (iex) with the Erlang runtime system option "-kernel shell_history enabled" enabled.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "iex" is the command to start an interactive Elixir shell. It stands for "Interactive Elixir".
  • "--erl" is an option that allows passing additional arguments to the underlying Erlang runtime system (BEAM).
  • "-kernel shell_history enabled" is the argument passed to the Erlang runtime system. It enables the shell history feature in the BEAM, which allows the user to recall previously executed commands using keyboard navigation.

By using this command, the iex shell will start with the shell history feature enabled, giving the user the ability to navigate and recall previously executed commands in the shell.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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