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imgp: Rotate an image clockwise by 90 degrees.
$ imgp -o ${90} ${filename}
try on your machine

The command you provided, "imgp -o ${90} ${filename}", appears to be incomplete or incorrect. It likely relates to a specific software or programming language, but without further context, it is challenging to provide an accurate explanation.

However, based on the limited information available, here's a possible interpretation:

Assuming "imgp" is a command or an executable, it seems to be used in conjunction with two parameters indicated by "${90}" and "${filename}".

  1. "${90}": This suggests a placeholder variable called "90". However, using curly braces implies that this variable is being referenced within a larger context like a shell or script, where the value of "90" could be substituted dynamically during execution. Without more information, it is unclear what this variable represents.

  2. "${filename}": Similar to "${90}", this parameter references another placeholder variable called "filename". It suggests that the value passed to this parameter represents the name or path of an image file.

Based on these assumptions, it seems this command is trying to use the "imgp" tool or program to perform some operation on an image file specified by the "filename" variable, possibly involving the number "90" in some way. However, the exact action or purpose remains uncertain without additional details or the correct syntax/context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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