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in-toto-sign: Sign a layout with the default GPG key in default GPG keyring.
$ in-toto-sign -f ${root-layout} --gpg
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The command "in-toto-sign" is a command-line tool used in in-toto, a software supply chain security framework. This tool is used to sign or validate the integrity of a software supply chain.

The options used in the command are as follows:

  1. "-f ${root-layout}": Specifies the file that contains the information about the layout of the software supply chain. The "${root-layout}" is a placeholder for the actual filename or path of the root layout file.
  2. "--gpg": Specifies that the signature should be created using the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) tool, which is a widely-used cryptography software.

In summary, this command is used to sign a software supply chain using the specified root layout file and GPG as the signing method.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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