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infection: Specify a minimum Mutation Score Indicator (MSI).
$ infection --min-msi ${percentage}
try on your machine

This command is referring to a specific command-line tool or script called "infection". The command is using a flag or option "--min-msi" followed by a variable placeholder "${percentage}".

The flag "--min-msi" is likely an abbreviation for "minimum mutation stability index". The mutation stability index (MSI) is a measurement used in some contexts to assess the stability or effectiveness of a mutation test suite. By providing a value to this flag, the command is setting a minimum threshold for the mutation stability index.

The placeholder "${percentage}" suggests that a numeric value representing a percentage should be provided in place of "${percentage}". This value will determine the minimum mutation stability index threshold to be used by the "infection" tool or script. The specific value to be used depends on the desired configuration and requirements of the tool or script.

Overall, this command is configuring the "infection" tool or script with a minimum mutation stability index threshold, which helps determine the effectiveness of a mutation test suite.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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