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infection: Specify the log verbosity.
$ infection --log-verbosity ${select}
try on your machine

The given command is using the "infection" command-line tool and the argument "--log-verbosity" is being used along with a variable "${select}".

The "infection" tool is commonly used for mutation testing in PHP applications, where it introduces bugs (mutations) into the application's code, and then checks if the tests catch those introduced bugs.

The "--log-verbosity" argument is used to set the verbosity level of the logs generated by the "infection" tool. It controls how much detail is displayed in the logs. The value of the "${select}" variable would be used to determine the desired log verbosity level. The variable will likely be defined or selected elsewhere in the code, specifying one of the available verbosity levels, such as "none", "info", "debug", etc.

For example, if "${select}" is set to "debug", the command would be:

infection --log-verbosity debug

This would set the log verbosity level to "debug", displaying detailed information in the logs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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