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infection: Display the mutation code that has been applied.
$ infection --show-mutations
try on your machine

The command "infection --show-mutations" is likely referring to a software tool or program called "infection" that has the capability to analyze and mutate code.

When this specific command is executed, it instructs the "infection" tool to display or show the list of mutations. Mutations refer to the changes or alterations made to the original code by the tool or program. These changes are often introduced to examine the resilience or effectiveness of the code against different scenarios or inputs.

The purpose of the "infection" tool is typically to help improve the quality and robustness of the code by identifying potential weaknesses or bugs that may exist. By displaying the mutations, developers or programmers can see what changes have been made to the code and analyze the impact of these alterations on its behavior.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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