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influx: Execute a given command.
$ influx -execute "${influxql_command}"
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The command "influx -execute "${influxql_command}"" is used to execute an InfluxQL (Influx Query Language) command in the InfluxDB command line interface (CLI).

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • influx: This is the command keyword to start the InfluxDB CLI.
  • -execute: This option is used to specify that the following argument is an InfluxQL query to be executed.
  • ${influxql_command}: This is a placeholder for an actual InfluxQL command. The command enclosed within the "${}" will be replaced with the value of the variable influxql_command. The variable should be defined or assigned elsewhere in the script or command line.

When you run this command, InfluxDB CLI will execute the InfluxQL command specified in ${influxql_command} and return the result. The result might include query output, data from the database, or any error or status messages related to the execution of the InfluxQL command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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