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influx: Connect to an InfluxDB running on localhost with no credentials.
$ influx
try on your machine

The command "influx" refers to the InfluxDB command-line interface (CLI) tool. InfluxDB is a time-series database that is commonly used for storing and analyzing large amounts of data that is timestamped.

The "influx" command is used to interact with an InfluxDB instance through the command line. It allows you to execute various operations such as managing databases, creating, querying, and deleting measurements (similar to tables in a traditional database), writing data points, and more.

When you run the "influx" command, it typically opens the InfluxDB shell prompt, where you can enter specific commands to interact with the database. These commands are typically written in a domain-specific language called InfluxQL, which is specifically designed for working with time-series data.

Some common commands that you can use within the influx shell include:

  • CREATE DATABASE: Creates a new database in InfluxDB.
  • USE: Selects a specific database to work with.
  • SHOW DATABASES: Displays a list of all databases currently available.
  • SHOW MEASUREMENTS: Lists all measurements (tables) within the selected database.
  • SELECT: Retrieves data from a measurement based on specified conditions.
  • INSERT: Writes data points into a measurement.

Overall, the "influx" command is a powerful tool for managing and interacting with InfluxDB databases through the command line.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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