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info: Start reading at second menu item within first menu item manual.
$ info ${first_menu_item} ${second_menu_item}
try on your machine

This command is written in a scripting language (such as Bash or Perl) and it is used to access information about a specific menu item.

Here, ${first_menu_item} and ${second_menu_item} are variables that represent the names or IDs of the menu items you want to get information about. The command relies on the "info" function or command, which may be defined elsewhere in the script or as a system command.

When the command is executed, it passes the values stored in the variables ${first_menu_item} and ${second_menu_item} as arguments to the "info" function or command. The function/command then uses these arguments to retrieve and provide information about the corresponding menu items. The specific details of how the "info" function/command works would depend on its implementation or the specific program it is associated with.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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