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inkscape: Export an SVG file into a bitmap with the default format (PNG) and the default resolution (96 DPI).
$ inkscape ${filename-svg} -o ${filename-png}
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This command is using the software Inkscape to convert an SVG file to a PNG file.

Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  1. inkscape: This is the name of the command-line tool, which is used for working with scalable vector graphics (SVG) files.

  2. ${filename-svg}: This is a placeholder for the input SVG file name or path. You need to replace ${filename-svg} with the actual name of the SVG file you want to convert. For example, if the SVG file is called drawing.svg, you would replace ${filename-svg} with drawing.svg.

  3. -o: This is an option that specifies the output file.

  4. ${filename-png}: This is a placeholder for the output PNG file name or path. You need to replace ${filename-png} with the desired name of the PNG file you want to create. For example, if you want to name the PNG file drawing.png, you would replace ${filename-png} with drawing.png.

So, when you run this command, it will use Inkscape to convert the SVG file specified by ${filename-svg} into a PNG file with the name ${filename-png}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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