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install-tl: Start the installer with the settings from a specific profile file.
$ install-tl -init-from-file ${path-to-texlive-profile}
try on your machine

The command "install-tl -init-from-file ${path-to-texlive-profile}" is used to install the TeX Live distribution on a system. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "install-tl" is the main command used to initiate the installation process of TeX Live.
  • "-init-from-file" is an option that tells TeX Live to load a specific profile file during the installation.
  • "${path-to-texlive-profile}" is the placeholder for the file path to the TeX Live profile.

When this command is executed, TeX Live will read the specified profile file, which typically contains a list of package specifications and configuration options. It will then use this information to determine which packages to install and how to set up TeX Live on the system.

By using a profile file, the installation process can be automated or standardized across multiple systems. Instead of manually selecting packages and answering configuration prompts during installation, the profile file provides a pre-defined set of choices.

It's important to replace "${path-to-texlive-profile}" with the actual file path to the TeX Live profile you want to use for installation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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