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install-tl: Install TeX Live as defined in a specific profile file.
$ install-tl -profile ${path-to-texlive-profile}
try on your machine

The command "install-tl -profile ${path-to-texlive-profile}" is used to install TeX Live, a free software distribution for the TeX typesetting system. This specific command is used to install TeX Live using a predefined profile file.

Here's what each part of the command means:

  • "install-tl" refers to the TeX Live installation script or executable, which initiates the installation process.
  • "-profile" is an option flag that indicates that a profile file will be used for the installation.
  • "${path-to-texlive-profile}" is a placeholder that represents the actual path to the profile file. This path should be replaced with the specific location of the profile file on your system.

A profile file in TeX Live contains a set of predefined installation options and configurations. It simplifies the installation process by providing all the necessary choices beforehand, such as package and font selections, installation directories, and other customizations. By specifying the path to a profile file, the installation process automatically applies those preconfigured settings during the installation.

Therefore, this command is executed to install TeX Live according to the specified profile file, which streamlines the installation procedure by automating options and configurations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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