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interdiff: Compare diff files.
$ interdiff ${old_file} ${new_file}
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The command interdiff ${old_file} ${new_file} is used to generate an "interdiff" collection of changes between two patches.

Here's how it works:

  1. ${old_file} and ${new_file} are variables representing the paths or names of two patch files. These patch files are typically generated using the diff command, which compares two sets of code or files and highlights the differences between them.

  2. The command interdiff takes these two patch files and compares them to generate a new patch file containing only the changes between the two original patches, rather than a full diff of the entire files.

  3. The resulting interdiff file highlights the specific changes between the two patches, making it easier to review and understand the differences between them.

The interdiff command can be very useful, especially when managing and reviewing changes made to software code or configuration files. It allows developers or administrators to focus on the actual changes made, without distractions from the context or unrelated differences.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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