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invoke-item: Open a file in its default program.
$ Invoke-Item -Path ${path\to\file}
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The command Invoke-Item -Path ${path\to\file} is a PowerShell command used to open or run a file using its specified path.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • Invoke-Item: This is a PowerShell cmdlet used to invoke (or run) an item. An item can be a file, folder, or any other object that can be executed or opened by the operating system.

  • -Path: This is a parameter that specifies the path of the item you want to invoke. In this case, ${path\to\file} is the placeholder or variable representing the actual path to the file you want to open or run. You need to replace ${path\to\file} with the actual file path.

To use this command, you should replace ${path\to\file} with the actual file path. For example, if you want to open a file named "document.txt" located in the directory "C:\Files\", the command would look like this:

Invoke-Item -Path 'C:\Files\document.txt'

By executing this command, the operating system will attempt to open the specified file using the default associated program for that file type, such as opening a .txt file with Notepad.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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