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invoke-item: Open all files inside a directory except those containing a specific keyword.
$ Invoke-Item -Path ${path\to\directory}\* -Exclude ${*keyword*}
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The command you provided is written in PowerShell scripting language, specifically for the PowerShell command-line interface. Here's an explanation of each component:

  • Invoke-Item: This is a cmdlet (command-let) in PowerShell used to open or invoke an item, such as a file, directory, or application.
  • -Path: This parameter specifies the path to the item you want to invoke.
  • ${path\to\directory}: This is a placeholder for the actual path to the directory you want to invoke. It should be replaced by the actual directory path.
  • \*: This is a wildcard character used to specify all items within the specified directory. In this case, it is used to include all files and subdirectories within the directory.
  • -Exclude: This parameter is used to exclude specific items based on conditions.
  • ${*keyword*}: This placeholder represents a keyword or pattern you want to exclude from the list of items. It should be replaced with the specific keyword or pattern you want to exclude. The asterisks (*) on both sides of the keyword serve as wildcard characters to match any sequence of characters.

In summary, the command Invoke-Item -Path ${path\to\directory}\* -Exclude ${*keyword*} is used to invoke all items (files and subdirectories) within a specified directory path, while excluding any items that match a specific keyword or pattern.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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