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invoke-item: Perform a dry run to determine which files will be opened inside a directory through `Invoke-Item`.
$ Invoke-Item -Path ${path\to\directory}\* -WhatIf
try on your machine

The command you provided is a PowerShell command that uses the Invoke-Item cmdlet with the -Path parameter and the -WhatIf switch.

Here's a breakdown of each element of the command:

  • Invoke-Item is a cmdlet in PowerShell used to invoke or open an item (file, folder, registry key, etc.) using the default program associated with it. In other words, it opens the specified file or folder in your default program. It is similar to double-clicking on a file or folder in File Explorer.

  • -Path is a parameter that specifies the location of the item to be opened or invoked. In this case, it uses the value ${path\to\directory}. The ${} syntax is used to access a variable, so the command is expecting the path to the directory to be stored in a variable called path\to\directory. Make sure that this variable is defined and contains the actual path you want to open.

  • \* is a wildcard character that matches any character or group of characters. By appending it to the path, it indicates that you want to open or invoke all items within the specified directory.

  • -WhatIf is a switch that is used to simulate the execution of the command without making any actual changes. It lets you preview what would happen if the command were run without actually running it. In this case, it displays the potential outcome of invoking/opening the specified items without actually doing so.

Overall, this command would open or invoke all items within the directory specified by the ${path\to\directory} variable, while the -WhatIf switch shows a simulation of the outcome without actually executing the action.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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