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inxi: Print information about the distribution's repository.
$ inxi -r
try on your machine

The command "inxi -r" is used to display information about the package repositories on your Linux system. Inxi is a command-line system information tool that can provide various details about your hardware, software, and system configuration.

Specifically, when you run "inxi -r", it focuses on the package repositories. Package repositories are servers that store software packages for installation on your Linux distribution. These repositories allow you to easily install and update software packages using package managers like apt, yum, dnf, etc.

The output of the "inxi -r" command typically includes details such as the name or URL of the repositories, their enabled or disabled status, the distribution's release or codename, and the architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) for which the packages are available.

It provides a concise overview of the currently configured repositories and can be useful for troubleshooting package management issues, checking for updates, or verifying the availability and status of certain repositories on your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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