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ionice: Print the I/O scheduling class and priority of a running process.
$ ionice -p ${pid}
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The ionice command is used to control the disk I/O (Input/Output) priority for a specific process on Linux systems. The -p option is used to specify the process ID (pid) of the process for which the disk I/O priority needs to be managed. ${pid} in this case is a placeholder for the actual process ID.

The disk I/O priority determines the amount of access a process has to the storage devices, such as hard disks, in terms of read and write operations. The ionice command helps in prioritizing or limiting the disk I/O usage of a specific process. By default, all processes have the same priority level, but using ionice allows you to adjust this priority.

For example, if you want to set the disk I/O priority of a process with process ID 1234, you would use the command: ionice -p 1234.

Depending on the system configuration, this command may require administrative privileges, so it might need to be executed with sudo or as the root user.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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