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ioping: Measure disk seek rate on `/dev/sdX`.
$ ioping -R ${-dev-sdX}
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The command you provided is using the ioping utility with the -R option and a specific device path.

Here's the breakdown of each component:

  • ioping: ioping is a command-line utility used to measure disk I/O latency. It sends I/O requests to a specified device and measures the time it takes for the requests to complete.
  • -R: This is an option for ioping that instructs it to perform random I/O requests instead of sequentially accessing the device. This option helps simulate real-world usage patterns for measuring disk performance.
  • ${-dev-sdX}: This part is a placeholder for the actual device path. The syntax ${variable_name} is commonly used in bash or other shell scripts to denote a variable value. In this case, the variable is -dev-sdX, which should be replaced with the appropriate device path. For example, if the device you want to measure is /dev/sda, you would replace -dev-sdX with /dev/sda.

Overall, the command is used to run ioping with the random I/O option (-R) on a specific device (specified by replacing -dev-sdX with the appropriate device path).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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