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iotop: Show I/O usage in non-interactive mode.
$ sudo iotop --batch
try on your machine

The command "sudo iotop --batch" is used to run the iotop tool in batch mode with root privileges.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "sudo": This is a command that allows a user to run a command with the privileges of another user, usually the root user. By using "sudo" before the actual command, the iotop command will be executed with root privileges. This is necessary because iotop requires root access to gather I/O statistics.

  • "iotop": This is a command-line utility for monitoring disk I/O usage in real-time. It provides information about which processes are using the disk I/O and how much bandwidth they are using. By running iotop, you can get an understanding of which processes are causing high disk I/O activity.

  • "--batch": This is an option or flag that is passed to the iotop command. In batch mode, iotop will not display the interactive interface but instead directly outputs the captured data to the terminal. This is useful when you want to capture disk I/O statistics periodically or when running iotop in a script.

By combining all these elements, "sudo iotop --batch" runs the iotop command with root privileges and captures disk I/O statistics in batch mode, providing a non-interactive output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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