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iotop: Show only I/O usage of processes (default is to show all threads).
$ sudo iotop --processes
try on your machine

The command "sudo iotop --processes" is used to launch the "iotop" tool with root privileges and display the input/output (IO) usage of processes on a Linux system.


  • "sudo" is a command in Linux used to execute a command with administrative (root) privileges. It allows the user to run commands as the system superuser or another user.
  • "iotop" is a tool used to monitor and display the IO acitivity of processes on Linux. It provides real-time information about disk read/write operations and the processes causing them.
  • "--processes" is an argument or option passed to the "iotop" command. It instructs iotop to display information on individual processes along with their IO usage.

By running "sudo iotop --processes", you will be able to see a continuously updating display showing processes actively using the disk and their respective IO statistics, such as read and write amounts, as well as the percentage of total IO they contribute. This can be helpful in troubleshooting performance issues or identifying resource-intensive processes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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