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iotop: Show accumulated I/O instead of bandwidth.
$ sudo iotop --accumulated
try on your machine

The sudo iotop --accumulated command is used in Unix-like systems to monitor and display the input/output (I/O) usage of different processes and storage devices.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • sudo: This is a command that allows users to execute a command with administrative or superuser privileges. It prompts the user to enter their password before running the command.
  • iotop: This is the main command that is used to display information about I/O usage. It provides a dynamic and real-time overview of I/O activities of processes on the system.
  • --accumulated: This is an optional flag that can be added to the iotop command. When used, it changes the display to show accumulated I/O instead of the default per-second statistics. This means that instead of showing the current I/O rates, it shows the total amount of I/O performed by each process or device since the program started.

In summary, sudo iotop --accumulated command allows you to monitor the accumulated I/O usage of processes and storage devices with superuser privileges.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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