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ip-address: List network interfaces and their associated IP addresses.
$ ip address
try on your machine

The "ip address" command is used to configure the IP (Internet Protocol) address settings on a network interface of a device such as a computer or a router.

There are various options and syntaxes associated with this command, depending on the operating system and device. However, the general purpose of the command is to manage and view the IP address information for a particular network interface.

When you run the "ip address" command, it typically displays the current IP address assigned to the network interface, along with other information such as the subnet mask, default gateway, and MAC (Media Access Control) address. It allows you to view the IPv4 or IPv6 address, as well as configure or modify them if needed.

For example, on a Windows command prompt, you can run the "ipconfig" command to display the IP address information for all network interfaces, or "ipconfig /all" to show additional details such as DNS (Domain Name System) server addresses.

On a Linux-based system, the "ip addr" command is commonly used to check or modify IP addresses. By specifying the network interface name or the IP version (IPv4 or IPv6), you can view or configure its associated IP address details.

Overall, the "ip address" command is essential for managing and troubleshooting network connectivity, as it allows you to check and modify IP address settings on devices.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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