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ip-address: Delete all IP addresses in a given scope from a network interface.
$ ip address flush dev ${eth0} scope ${select}
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This command is used to flush the IP addresses configured on a specific network interface or device.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • ip: It is a command-line utility used to manipulate network interfaces and addresses on Linux systems.
  • address: It is a subcommand of the ip utility that deals with IP addresses and related operations.
  • flush: This option instructs the ip address command to remove all IP addresses associated with the specified device.
  • dev ${eth0}: This part specifies the network interface or device where the IP addresses are configured. ${eth0} is a placeholder for the name of the network interface, which can vary depending on the system. For example, eth0 or ens33 can be used as the device name.
  • scope ${select}: This part specifies the scope of the IP addresses to be flushed. ${select} is a placeholder for the specific scope value. The scope defines the visibility or reachability of an IP address. It can be set to global, site, link, host, or select to include all scopes.

In summary, the command ip address flush dev ${eth0} scope ${select} removes all IP addresses associated with the specified network interface or device, regardless of the scope of those IP addresses.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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