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List of commands for ip-link:

  • ip-link:tldr:062d1 ip-link: Show information about all network interfaces.
    $ ip link
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  • ip-link:tldr:13015 ip-link: Change the MTU size for a network interface to use jumbo frames.
    $ ip link set ${ethN} mtu ${9000}
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  • ip-link:tldr:54f49 ip-link: Show information about a specific network interface.
    $ ip link show ${ethN}
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  • ip-link:tldr:741b1 ip-link: Give a meaningful name to a network interface.
    $ ip link set ${ethN} alias "${LAN Interface}"
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  • ip-link:tldr:c1bd5 ip-link: Bring a network interface up or down.
    $ ip link set ${ethN} ${select}
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  • ip-link:tldr:cf808 ip-link: Change the MAC address of a network interface.
    $ ip link set ${ethN} address ${ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff}
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