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ip-neighbour: Display the neighbour/ARP table entries.
$ ip neighbour
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The "ip neighbour" command is used in the context of networking on a computer or device running on a Linux-based operating system. It is used to display or modify the neighbor/ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache, which is a table that maps IP addresses to their corresponding MAC addresses within a local network.

The command can be used with various options and arguments to perform different actions. Some of the commonly used options with the "ip neighbour" command are:

  • "show" or "sh" option: This is used to display the current entries in the neighbor cache.
  • "add" option: This is used to manually add an entry to the neighbor cache. It requires specifying the target IP address and the corresponding MAC address.
  • "delete" or "del" option: This is used to remove an entry from the neighbor cache. It requires specifying the target IP address.

For example, to display the current entries in the neighbor cache, you would use the command:

ip neighbour show

This command will list the IP addresses, MAC addresses, and other relevant information of the devices in the local network that the system has encountered.

Overall, the "ip neighbour" command is used to manage the neighbor/ARP cache, allowing users to view or modify the mappings between IP and MAC addresses within a network.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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