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ip-neighbour: Change or replace an ARP entry for the neighbour IP address to `eth0`.
$ sudo ip neighbour ${select} ${ip_address} lladdr ${new_mac_address} dev ${eth0}
try on your machine

This command uses the "sudo ip neighbour" command in Linux to manage the neighbor entries in the ARP table. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "sudo": It allows running the command as a superuser or with root privileges.
  • "ip neighbour": This is the command to manage neighbor entries in the ARP table.
  • "${select}": This specifies the action to be performed, such as add, change, or del (delete). The exact value is determined by the variable "${select}".
  • "${ip_address}": This represents the IP address of the neighbor entry you want to add or modify. The exact value is determined by the variable "${ip_address}".
  • "lladdr": It specifies the link-layer address (MAC address) of the neighbor entry.
  • "${new_mac_address}": This represents the new MAC address you want to set for the neighbor entry. The exact value is determined by the variable "${new_mac_address}".
  • "dev ${eth0}": Here, "dev" specifies the network interface through which the neighbor entry is reachable, and "${eth0}" is the network interface name. You can replace "${eth0}" with the relevant network interface name.

Overall, this command is used to update or add a neighbor entry in the ARP table with a specific IP address, MAC address, and network interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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